Topic 2016

With an increasing global population and consequently, food demand, the livestock sector represents a key actor to address the challenge of global food and nutrition security. Animal productions can contribute efficiently to the Bioeconomy for a sustainable food-chain, providing multiple benefits.
However, the sector is strongly questioned for its environmental impacts, inefficient use of resources, animal health and welfare and supposedly human health issues linked to the consumption of animal product… “Is it wise to reduce our consumption of animal products in Europe from the point of view of sustainability? Can we easily replace protein of animal origin by protein of plant origin?”
During the year 2016, the Animal Task Force engaged a dialogue between research, farmers, industry, decision makers and stakeholders to provide input for public policies on Livestock’s role in realising a Sustainable Bioeconomy for Europe, and to share on avenues for improvement and research needs.
4th ATF-EAAP special session
29 August 2016 – Belfast, United Kingdom
Since 2013, the ATF-EAAP Special Session during the EAAP Annual Meeting aims to bring together animal science with practice of animal production and connect researchers, policymakers, industry representatives and societal organisations. Every year, a different topic is addressed during this session.
Welcome and introduction, by Jean-Louis Peyraud, ATF President, & Philippe Chemineau, EAAP President
Animal production’s role in a Sustainable Circular Bioeconomy: from a public policy perspective
- Introduction to the European Bioeconomy & outcomes from the SCAR 4th Foresight. By Stefano Bisoffi, CREA, SCAR
- Vision of the role of animal productions in the European Bioeconomy from the perspective of a European NGO. By Marta Messa, SLOW FOOD
- Vision of the role of animal productions from perspective of the HLPE (United Nations). By Patrick CARON, HLPE-CFS (High Level Panel of Experts of the UN World Food Security Committee)
- Vision Animal Task Force European Public Private Plateform. By Jean-Louis Peyraud, President Animal Task Force
Animal production’s role in a Sustainable Circular Bioeconomy: vision from the private sector’s perspective
- A farmers’ approach on livestock production in regulating the ecological cycles. By Kees Gorter, farmer, Netherlands
- Reducing the “feed versus food” competition: use of inedible feed, valorizing food-chain & biorefinery by-products. By Paul Featherstone, SugaRich group, EFFPA European Former Foodstuffs association
- Biorefinery, organic fertilisation, pet food and other industrial use of animal by-products. By Cécile Crespel-Darcet, Cooperl France
Panel Discussion
Moderated by Vivi Nielsen-ATF – with all speakers and audience: The challenges animal productions have to face to better contribute to a European sustainable Circular Bioeconomy
Closing remarks. By Philippe Chemineau, EAAP President
6th ATF seminar
16 November 2016 – Brussels, Belgium
Welcome and introduction, by Jean-Louis Peyraud, President of the Animal Task Force
Animal productions and the European Sustainable Circular Bioeconomy
- Introduction to the European Bioeconomy & outcomes from the SCAR 4th Foresight. By John Bell, EC DG RTD, Directorate F – Bioeconomy
- A policy maker perspective. By Luc Vernet, Farm Europe
- Vision from a European NGO. By Marta Messa, Slow Food
- Vision Animal Task Force European Public-Private Platform. By Jean-Louis Peyraud, President Animal Task Force
With the speakers and the audience. Moderated by Martin Scholten, WUR
Animal production contributing to a more efficient agriculture and to the provision of safe food and various by-products
- A farmer’s approach in regulating the ecological cycles. By Niccolò Benedetti-Panici, Italy
- A farmer’s approach in regulating the ecological cycles. By Josef Pellmeyer, Germany
- Reducing the “feed versus food” competition: valorising food-chain & biorefinery by-products. By Ruud Tijssens, FEFAC
- Animal products providing protein-rich and safe food. By Beate Kettlitz, Food for Life Technology Platform
- Biorefinery, organic fertilisation, pet food and other industrial use of animal by-products. By Cécile Crespel-Darcet, Cooperl France
With the speakers and the audience, moderated by Martin Scholten. Discussion on avenues for improvement and research needs.
Closing remarks. By Jean-Louis Peyraud, President of the Animal Task Force