Wageningen University & Research - Animal Science Group


“Finding answers together… to smart food in a green world”. That is the mission of Wageningen University & Research (WUR). A staff of over 7,000 and 13,000 students from over 100 countries work everywhere around the world in the domain of healthy food and living environment for governments and the business community-at-large.
The Animal Sciences Group of WUR is one of the five science groups. It consists of four parts:

  • Wageningen Livestock Research (WLR) is the market leader in integrating scientific knowledge into livestock concepts for the 21st century and has state-of-the-art research facilities, including the Dairy Campus in the Northern province of Friesland.
  • Wageningen Bioveterinary Research (WBVR) covers the entire extensive field of infectious diseases, including zoonoses in livestock, animal infectious disease diagnosis and control, food safety and biologicals. One of the main tasks is as the National Reference Laboratory for contagious and notifiable animal diseases. Through top-level veterinary research, WBVR contributes to the protection of animal and public health.
  • Wageningen Marine Research (WMR) contributes substantially to more sustainable and more careful management, use and protection of natural riches in marine, coastal and freshwater areas with knowledge, independent scientific research and advice.
  • The Department of Animal Sciences of Wageningen University is involved in academic research and education related to the health and welfare of animals and people. The primary focus is on the functioning of animals, both from a curiosity perspective and in relation to the various functions animals have for people. Recently, state-of-the art research facilities are realised to be able to study animals in all aspects.

Within the Animal Sciences Group, our work ranges from fundamental research to applied research focus on innovation in practice. WUR therefore works closely together with industry.



Worldwide, demand for meat, dairy products and eggs is increasing; these products must be safe, healthy and, of course, good to eat. The products must also be produced in a responsible manner in a livestock industry in which increasingly high standards are placed on the health and welfare of animals and on the reduction and prevention of harmful effects to the environment and society.

We face the challenge to feeding the world within the carrying capacity of planet earth. The Animal Sciences group of WUR therefore aims on four aspects to contribute to a sustainable livestock sector:

  • Animal based farming: using the animals perspective as starting point
  • Zero emission farming: closing nutrient cycles
  • Smart farming: using modern technologies to optimise production efficiency
  • Adaptive farming: working on adaptation with and within society


Wageningen University & Research in the Animal Task Force

WUR represents the Dutch knowledge institutes in the ATF. The Animal Science Group of WUR develops pioneering innovations and supports the implementation of applications in sustainable and economically profitable livestock industry in the future. We contribute to the ATF by sharing our knowledge on fundamental and applied research on sustainable livestock systems, nutrition, genetics, animal health and welfare and environmental impact of farm animals. We form partnerships, consortia and other cooperative relationships focusing on our specific areas of expertise and themes to successfully deal with the challenges of the future.


More information

Dr. Hans A.M. Spoolder

Visiting address:

Wageningen Campus

De Elst 1

6708 WD Wageningen

The Netherlands

Postal address:

Wageningen Livestock Research

P.O. Box 338

6700 AH Wageningen

The Netherlands

Email: hans.spoolder@wur.nl

Website: www.wur.nl/en/research-results/research-institutes/livestock-research.htm