Biotechnical Faculty - University of Ljubljana
The fundamental mission of the Biotechnical Faculty is to provide university level, advanced professional, and postgraduate education, as well as to carry out scientific research and technical and consulting work concerning the sciences of living nature (biology, microbiology) as well as agriculture, forestry and fisheries (forestry, animal husbandry, agronomy) and the related production technologies (wood technology, food technology, biotechnology). The common denominator of all academic and scientific disciplines at the Biotechnical Faculty is natural resources (soil, physical space, flora, fauna, and water).
The Faculty’s scientific and research work combines basic, applied and developmental research work, enabling the rapid transfer of research results into practice. A part thereof consists of technical and consultative work enabling the Faculty teaching staff to be up-to-date with and able to solve the everyday needs and problems of practice, resulting at the same time in new ideas for their research and educational activities. The circle: basic research – applied research – education – specialized work and development must be complete and unbroken. Such approach calls for a close connection with the production needs of individual professions and implementers of societal development. The Faculty wishes to be a part of the arena of life.
The mission of the Biotechnics Faculty is to create and preserve cutting-edge knowledge in the fields of biological sciences, biotechnical sciences and landscape architecture and to transfer it to society through education and the transfer of knowledge and technologies into practice. Providing knowledge of biological laws, understanding of the relationship between environment and society, protection of the environment and landscape, protection of natural heritage, sustainable and sustainable use of natural resources, production and processing of quality food, and development of modern biotechnology are the lasting goals of the Faculty.
The Biotechnical Faculty contributes to the quality and belongs to the group of the most prestigious European faculties in the field of life sciences, the use and protection of natural resources and the environment. The Faculty will become one of the region’s most important institutions, providing society with knowledge in these fields and responding to current national and international societal issues.
The Biotechnical Faculty in the Animal Task Force
The Biotechnical Faculty represents the Slovenian knowledge institutes in the ATF. The Department of Animal Science at Biotechnical Faculty is an expert knowledge provider with competence in all aspects of farm animals, but also of lab and companion animals. The Biotechnical Faculty has a good network both at national (breeders’ organisations, chamber of agriculture, ministries, etc.) and international level (ICAR, Interbull centres, EAAP, etc.).
More information
Klemen Potočnik, PhD, associate professor
Biotechnical faculty – University of Ljubljana
Department of Animal Science
Office: Groblje 3, SI-1230 Domžale
Email: klemen.potocnik@bf.uni-lj.si