ATF-Plant ETP webinar

A webinar was organised on 04 November 2020 to introduce the ATF-Plants for the Future papers.

The “Animal Task Force” (ATF) and the “Plants for the Future” European Technology Platform (Plant ETP) recognise the urgency to transition towards sustainable agricultural practices and published R&I opportunities for the crop-livestock value chain (see below links to the Joint Position Paper and the Policy Brief).

Together, the 2 organisations organised a webinar on the topic “How to re-implement crop-livestock synergies?” on Wednesday 04 November with Jean-Louis Peyraud, President of the Animal Task Force, and Marc Cornelissen, President of Plants for the Future.

Mr. Lukas Visek, member of Cabinet of Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans at the European Commission, introduced the webinar.

Mr. Roberto Berutti, member of Cabinet of Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski at the European Commission (Agriculture), concluded the webinar.

2 experts, Arnaud Bouxin (FEFAC) and Max Schulman (COPA-COGECA), attended the webinar and answered the questions with Jean-Louis Peyraud and Marc Cornelissen.

Presentation of the ATF-PlantETP webinar