IAS - Institute of Animal Science


Institute of Animal Science (IAS) is a scientific institution founded by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic. Since its foundation in 1951 its activities have been aimed at biological and biotechnological principles of animal husbandry. The IAS has close contacts with universities, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, partner research institutes, breeders associations and with the agricultural community.

Main focus areas of basic and applied research are:

  • Biology of reproduction
  • Molecular genetics
  • Genetics and breeding of farm animals
  • Physiology of nutrition and quality of animal products
  • Nutrition and feeding of farm animals
  • Ethology
  • Technologies in farm animal systems
  • Cattle production systems
  • Pig production systems



The Instituted fulfils a role of a key expert institution, as it has always based its work on the latest results of science and research, formed the shape of the modern livestock production and contributed to its successful development as an essential part of the national food security and self-sufficiency.


IAS in the Animal Task Force

The IAS represents the Czech knowledge institutes in the ATF. The Institute takes part in the education of university and PhD students and provides extension and advisory services for agricultural enterprises. It also provides expert, advisory and information assistance for the Ministry of Agriculture and other state authorities. In addition, it pursues international cooperation of a high standard and is in permanent contacts with world knowledge in all areas of its theoretical and practical specialization.

More information

Dr. Ludek Barton

Institute of Animal Science

Pratelstvi 815

104 00 Prague

Czech Republic

Email: barton.ludek@vuzv.cz

Website: www.vuzv.cz