Topic 2021

One of the controversial aspects of livestock production is the resource competition for feed and food production that requires a disruptive shift in resourcing animal feeding and in European agriculture. Only 20-25% of annually produced terrestrial agricultural biomass (crops and grasslands) is edible as human food. Thus, animals are very useful to convert the remaining 75% into edible food and manure that is a source of nutrients and carbon for plants and soils. This is basically a virtuous circle. However, in response to increased market demand and economic pressure, some agricultural systems and territories have become increasingly specialized. At the same time, productivity in the agricultural sector has largely increased and mixed farming systems integrating crop and livestock production have strongly declined in many countries or regions. Modern agriculture has developed with livestock and crop production becoming more intensive, and at some places more specialised and spatially separated which has resulted in an imbalance in nutrient flows with negative impact on the environment.
To achieve the conditions required to deliver sustainable farming systems, it is essential to develop science-based management strategies that reduce the current reliance on non-renewable resources and securing the production in an increasingly unpredictable climate. Such solutions focus on sustainable land use and the interconnection of arable and livestock systems as part of a circular and sustainable bio-economy at different scales.
1st ATF-LFS one-day symposium
Monday 30 August 2021 – EAAP2021 – Davos, Switzerland (sessions 7 & 17)
Since 2013, the ATF-EAAP Special Session during the EAAP Annual Meeting aims to bring together animal science with practice of animal production and connect researchers, policymakers, industry representatives and societal organisations. Every year, a different topic is addressed during this session.
In 2021, the EAAP Livestock Farming Systems Study Commission and the ATF Special Session have co-organised a one-day symposium.
Mixed crop/livestock systems – do they deliver more resilient food systems?
Welcome & introduction, by Frank O’Mara, ATF President, Isabel Casasús, EAAP President, Tommy Boland, EAAP Commission on Livestock Farming Systems
How to re-implement synergies between crops and livestock farming? A research and innovation perspective
- Outcomes from the ATF and Plants for the Future workshops and webinars (2018 to 2020), by Amrit Nanda, Plants for the Future ETP & Jean-Louis Peyraud, INRAE
- Development of plants with improved composition for animal nutrition, animal health and welfare and animal product quality – successes and opportunities, by Michael Lee, Harper Adams University
Reducing the feed and food competition: perspectives and best practices
- What can plant breeding do to better feed animals?, by Max Schulman, farmer – MTK
- Novel feed from crops and crop residues. Vision from the feeding industry, by Ruud Tijssens, Agrifirm Group
- Animal breeding towards the valuation of new feed, by Lisanne Verschuren, Topigs Norsvin
- New Phenotypes for grass utilisation under grazing to improve grass breeding, by Tomás Tubritt, Teagasc
- Improving resilience of organic beef-sheep farming systems, by Claire Mosnier, INRAE
- Does integration promote sustainability in organic multi-species livestock farms, by Marc Benoit, INRAE
- Pulses and oilseed rape for food and feed, by Olaf Sass, Norddeutsche Pflanzenzucht Hans-Georg Lembke KG
- PANEL DISUSSION with speakers and the audience – Moderated by Ana Sofia Santos, ATF Vice-President & Tommy Boland, EAAP Commission on Livestock Farming Systems
Going beyond the Feed vs Food competition: crops and animals together to address food and nutrition security
Novel concepts & methodologies to assess the role of livestock farming in sustainable food systems
- Nutritional valorisation from plants to humans: towards One Nutrition?, by Ruud Tijssens, FEFAC
- Adjusting feed efficiency methodologies considering the added value of animals to valorise inedible feed and biomass from marginal land, by Jean-Louis Peyraud, INRAE & GIS Avenir Elevages & Anne Mottet, FAO
- Evaluate the land-use efficiency of regional livestock systems from a food systems perspective, by Donagh Hennessy, Teagasc
- A partial Life Cycle Assessment of smallholder livestock systems in Western Kenya, by Phyllis Wanjugu Ndung’u, University of Pretoria
Policy making, environmental, territorial and economic soundness, social acceptability of novel options for reconnecting crops and livestock sector.
- Restoring or reinventing the virtuous cycle of crop-livestock integration?, by Shirley Tarawali, ILRI/GASL
- PANEL DISUSSION with speakers and the audience – Moderated by Ana Sofia Santos, ATF Vice-President & Michael Lee, chair of the EAAP Commission on Livestock Farming Systems
Closing remarks, by Frank O’Mara, ATF President
11th ATF seminar
Thursday 18 November 2021 – Brussels, Belgium + online
Welcome & Introduction, by Frank O’Mara, ATF President
- Summary of the outcomes of the ATF-EAAP LFS one-day Symposium, by Tommy Boland, University College Dublin & EAAP Commission on Livestock Farming Systems
- Public policies: vision from policy maker, by Wolfgang Burtscher, European Commission – DG Agri
- How can EU livestock avoid soya feed? Vision from an NGO, by Alain Peeters, WWF-Belgium
Developing the use of by-products
- Vision from feeding industry on the potentials from by-products in the EU in animal feed, by Anton Van Den Brink, FEFAC & EFFPA
- Farmers increasing forage in the diet instead of concentrates: example of grassfed products in areas of intensive use of concentrates, by Angus Nelless, farmer in the United Kingdom
- Use of inedible feed in the pork industry, feed efficiency: sustainability metrics, calculating tools, including C footprint, by Sandrine Espagnol, IFIP
Towards mixed crop production
- Dual purpose crop production across a diversity of livestock systems in the EU, by Patrick Carré, Terres Inovia
- Governance: good examples of crop farmers and livestock farmers working together, by Tom Barry, Biogold Agri Ltd. & Signpost Programme
PANEL DISCUSSION with speakers, the audience and Marc Cornelissen, Plants for the Future ETP
Closing remarks, by Frank O’Mara, ATF President