Balance Production/Consumption: Animal farming for Humans’ well-being and planetary health

Topic 2018

It is often communicated in the media and among the general public that European citizens should reduce their consumption of animal products/proteins. Very often, the justification is both based on human health and sustainability point of views (use of resources, impact on climate, environmental footprint, AMR, animal welfare…). Can we find a consensus on recommended shares of animal products in our diets, at the junction of human health and planetary health? What share of animal-derived food in our diet is desirable from the environmental and health point of views? What does it mean for animal production in the EU and globally?

6th ATF-EAAP special session

27 August 2018 – Dubrovnik, Croatia

Since 2013, the ATF-EAAP Special Session during the EAAP Annual Meeting aims to bring together animal science with practice of animal production and connect researchers, policymakers, industry representatives and societal organisations. Every year, a different topic is addressed during this session.


Welcome and introduction, by Jean-Louis Peyraud, ATF President, & Matthias Gauly, EAAP President

Animal products and a healthy diet
Animal products, planetary health and resource efficiency
Prospects in production

Panel Discussion with all speakers and audience, moderated by Martin Scholten, WUR & ATF past President

Closing remarks, by Jean-Louis Peyraud, ATF President


Report of the ATF-EAAP special session 2018